The Red Pill: My take

5 min readOct 12, 2020
Red Pill

If you have been active on Twitter before, you must have come across a couple of men talking about improving themselves, calling out women who have been duping them for years and referencing the book! Well, series of books called the Rational Male. Some have donned these books as life-saving, liberating, trash, misogynistic and some, the masculinity scriptures. Why? These red pill books on female nature will either offend or teach you. There are mixed feelings and interpretations of them, interestingly from both genders.

I came across the Rational Male books about two years ago. How did I get there? Well, as most men do. After falling in love with that blood rush that numbs your brain function. You all know what I am talking about, right? The feeling you get when you sip that cold drink too fast? When do you have that ice cream too fast? When you look directly into an approaching car’s lights too long? Yeah, that pause of brain function where there is just one thing on your mind, world peace… or a piece of a.. to be more specific. We all know where our heads are at which is nowhere they should be, at least not with that intensity and absence of rationale.

Call it a phase of searching and figuring out a specific area in my life I had not cared much for and had had little success. Honestly, it had not been something I had devoted time to learning about. I thought I was okay. When I eventually tried, my guide was to just follow what they teach in the movies and all will be well.

Get a radio, discover her favourite songs, appear outside her house without prior notice like most normal humans do and play “the jam”. Maybe backstreet boys, Nsync, boys 2 men, Brittney Spears, etc. No hard rap or rock, please. Only soft melodious tunes that make ears and hearts melt. She will swoon down through the window using a bed-sheet. You will both go out to buy ice cream at midnight and eat it on a bridge overseeing the sea because every country including our third world countries has bridges overseeing the sea.

Another scenario plays out; you are at the grocery store, she is reaching for cereal that is too high for her to reach. She cannot reach it. Guess who happens to be in the building? Captain save a damsel in distress, of course! You are six feet tall and could reach a star if she asked you. You get the cereal for her. You get two more boxes for the other helpless women in the store because you are nice like that. You kissed the neighbourhood babies and it was another safe day in your world. What would the world be without you? Where would women be without you? Well, they would be okay. Trust me.

During this phase, with all my “almost” successes practising what the movies had taught me religiously, I realized there was something amiss. I was not getting the results I wanted or I had been promised by the movies and other conditioning. I had to figure out how to get this right. I started with a guy called Coach Corey Wayne. I watched plenty of his videos and read one of his books. I became a little more successful.

Next was the Rational Male books. Wow! Female nature is scary! If you do not take it in with rationality and rather process it as completely animalistic nature without any humanity, your perspective toward women will be screwed. It is something you have to read and process gently. You cannot take it in all at once. You will harm yourself. It is to be taken, digested, given time for the nutrients to sink into your blood and then build your body appropriately. Some people chew too fast and you can see that on Twitter, everywhere.

The last fantastic book is the Book of Pook. It is the magic bullet. It hits the nail on the head. If all books were to be burned on the topic of inter-gender dynamics, this is the only book that should be saved. Why? It focuses on men getting their lives together and focusing on becoming the best version of themselves.

It also teaches not to take women so seriously & life generally, You hurt, laugh, have fun, cry, get up and get at it again. It is your duty as a man to be better each time.

Then came Twitter, and there, a mixture of interpretations. Many men, unfortunately, get it wrong. Many choose to focus on the bad, the harm is done by women. Many fail to recognize that it was their lack of understanding that was responsible for their hurt not women. Many have chosen to stay in that victim state claiming a focus on PURPOSE, getting money, etc, while not caring for women whatsoever.

Yet, the truth is, all they care about is women. All they think about is women. All they want is women, whether it is to please or hate them. Women are still at the centre. Choosing purpose because of women is still a decision based on women which means you learnt absolutely nothing. Everything still centres on women in some way or another. Men still hurt and fearful not recognizing their fear merely switched faces.

What is the Red Pill… to me? Seeing reality for what it is and making the best of it. It is freedom from the pleasantries you believed were real to painful but life bringing realities. You abandon delusion for reality in all aspects of life, not just women. This includes our health, politics, victim mentality especially for blacks who always cry racism, blaming parents who raised us and governments (though those may carry some more legitimacy), etc. It is coming to a place where responsibility falls solely on you. It is taking back your life and holding yourself solely accountable for all you have been and want to be. It is making the best of your circumstances, good and especially, the “bad”.

It is escaping the Matrix, limited by its illusion of pleasure, blissful ignorance to discovering your capabilities that were hidden all this time and becoming your own Neo, the chosen one. You were always the One.

Out of the Matrix into Zion. The choice is yours.

Red vs Blue Pill

