Beware! The Parent.

4 min readAug 4, 2022

A lot of people have had the opportunity to experience a parent in some way. It could be through your biological parents, guardians, mentors, teachers, and even, strangers. They are the people we look up to and help us through life by providing for us in many different ways.

Some of the different ways of provision include food, shelter, education, and discipline, often forgotten or ignored.

Discipline is by far the most underrated provision that most kids need as they mature into adults. Why is it so important? Well, for one, your level of discipline is a matter of life and death. It determines a lot about how you will cope when you are on your own.

Do you want to make it financially? You need discipline. Do you want to have good and reliable friends? You need discipline. Do you want to create a valuable family? Yes, you guessed it, discipline.

Unfortunately, our parents cannot always be there so we need to learn to make it by ourselves. And not just make it, make it successfully. What’s the point of just existing and not doing your best?

Often, I have been exposed to different people. Depending on my experience with them, good or bad, it can always be related to how they were raised. The buck always stops at the parents.

If parents were too liberal, the kids often grow up unbridled. If they were stricter, the kids grow up more disciplined. Of course, there are exceptions. The extreme of either can be damaging as it is good. But honestly, I would stray on the side of strictness.

Have you met a parent whose kids talk shit to adults? Whether they know you or not? The kid throws tantrums, including hurling some of their dangerous toys at you or scratching you.

Sometimes, it seems the kid has the intent to harm you. He/she may not have the power to but they will try.

Now, imagine that child with their bones, muscles, and mind developed. Imagine creating an environment where a child runs free to do whatever they want. Eventually, they carry this on into adulthood.

The good and bad thing about adulthood is “nobody gives a shit!” Literally. People are going about their business and have no time to exercise patience and discipline with you.

No matter who you are, the world will not be your parent. Or rather, they will not be the parent you want. Without the necessary discipline, the world can be cruel.

Throwing a tantrum in a bar will get you beaten up, with a glass bottle, possibly stabbed injuring or killing you. Too much? Until you see it happen to someone.

In another direction…you are driving over the speed limit on the road because I mean, what are speed limits for? You paid taxes to the government to construct these roads, right? You are entitled to drive like a moron.

Until you skid off the side of the road into a ditch and your car overturns. Worse still, you may harm or kill someone else. Drastic, huh?

Yeah, the consequences can be pretty drastic. And I am not even 0.1% through most of them. Indiscipline can cost your child. It can cost you.

What is worth living your child untamed to later suffer a death or hospital or prison visit? All because you wanted to be “their best friend”? All because “you should listen to your kids”? All because “children can teach you things”?

I am not discrediting the value of kids nor their ability to teach adults but an adult knows better, mostly. Maybe until the kid is living independently of them.

Adults who do not discipline their kids are cowards. They want to avoid directing their child with the hopes of winning their child but in the end, they lose both themselves and their child.

It rarely ends well.

So, when it comes to discipline, there is an old Proverb that is a great guide. “Spare the rod and spoil the child”.

This does not mean you should beat kids indiscriminately with a rod. That would be abuse. Figure out how to discipline children.

Disciplining methods have levels like the justice system of life. Different crimes have different punishments that match the injury caused. Same with disciplining kids.

Are you afraid that you do not love your child if you discipline them? Remember, the world does not care about your child. It will not spare them for your fear.

So love them by disciplining them. It’s on you, the parent.

Save your child from the world.

